Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I can't think of a title

So, everything in India is a freaking process. It takes so much longer to get things done here, even little things. It's frustrating. My 1st week i n my new home was stressful. But once I came to terms with this slow process, I've been better with adapting and my stress levels have gone down. WAY down. It's so different from the U.S. because this stuff would still piss me off. There is this value of customer satisfaction in the U.S. and if you don't like something, you can call a manager and get a discount (or something to that effect). Here, there's no such thing and people just accept it.
For example, the internet guy was supposed to come out last thursday at 6:30pm. I called him at 6:45 when he still hadn't shown and he said he'd be here by 7:30. ok. So 7:45 rolls around and still no show. I call him again and he texts me saying he'll be here in 5 minutes. 9 pm rolls around and the douche says he's here. I was SO ANNOYED. But when he came, we got is all done including me riding on his scooter to get copies of my PIO card and small passport size photos because they need those for EVERYTHING here. I was scared shitless being on that scooter. I thought another car was going to drive too close and take my legs. And if I left my legs hanging, they slid on the ground and then my shoes would have been busted. sigh. BUT, I got it done. It was not fun and extremely stressful, but it's done. I called the guy and he said I should have my internet by saturday. We'll see about that. The other bad thing is, they can say this, but if it doesn't happen there really isn't a place for me to go and demand it. I just have to keep calling this guy. not sure what I'll do if the internet doesn't come by then. Life is pretty miserable without the net at home. I'm able to catch someone else's wireless right now, but it's extremely choppy.
Work is getting better. I'm starting to feel comfortable with the place and my work. Nothing exciting on that front yet. We're working on our men's program, basically working on getting funding to work with young men on preventing gender based violence. So it should be interesting. I won't be working on that project as much, but am doing a little work on it right now.
My friend Beth was in town this weekend, which was a nice change of pace. I miss having my buds from the U.S. around. It's fun to have visitors and to be able to show them my new city. I miss her tons, but she had to get back to school and her life.
I'm starting to have a better feel of this place, but still not 100% confident. I know by the time I leave, I'll get this place and when I come back to visit, Bangalore will be a completely different city. So all this knowledge I'll gain of the city will be useless. But let me tell you, the life experiences I gain here will be ridiculous. Surprisingly, I'm already a calmer person. I'm just trying to let things slide and not get to stressed out about things. Other that my freak out to the auto rickshaw drivers saturday night. They were trying to cheat us out of so much money and I just had to give it to them. I'm not going to lie, it felt good. They're jerks. They really are.

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