Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bangalore is not all that bad

I seem to complain a lot about this place and I really shouldn't. It's like moving anywhere in the world and having to start all over. It's especially rough because the way things work around here is completely different from the way things work back home. It doesn't make much sense to me and I doubt it ever will. I'm pretty organized and hate to waste time. I'm going to have to get over that if I'm going to survive here. I don't love the place, but I don't hate it. Today I walked to Commercial street, which has tons of shopping and it took me about 30 minutes. Made me happy to know I won't have to take an auto rickshaw everytime I go there. So much easier for me to walk. I've gotten used to taking the metro and walking everywhere in DC, that I like to be in control of where I'm going. I didn't really like taking taxis in DC, I enjoyed walking. The only thing I have to be careful of, are the tons of vehicles, two-wheelers, etc. Other than that, I'm fine.

I went a bought a few things for my apartment. Some curtains and some pillow cases. I was also able to get the gas cylinder so now I can start cooking...well soon. I still need to buy a couple of pots and pans. I wanted to share a few photos of my's tiny and needs some photos up, but it's slowly starting to feel like home. Enjoy.

Check out my photos on my flickr:


rayray said...

Your place looks awesome!! I went through this crap when I was're gonna feel so good at the end of your time there because you've done all of this on your own. I am so proud of you!!

Jenn "Can" do said...

It looks pretty beautiful, Suj! How's the matress?