Monday, February 4, 2008

Dipsy, is that you?

Before I explain my blog title, I wanted to answer Jenn's question about my mattress. Jenn, it sucks. I lived with a crappy mattress for the past 2 years in DC. The one thing I was excited about, once I finished school, got a job and moved, was purchasing myself a nice new, expensive mattress. That's the one thing I wanted to spend my money on. I don't need a t.v., or a microwave, or furniture, I wanted myself an amazing mattress. I left the most beautiful mattress in Los Angeles when I moved, and I was excited to find her sister and snatch her up. Well, clearly plans never work out they way they're supposed to. I have a crappy mattress here. It's about 2 inches thick. But I'm only here for 6 more months, so a nice mattress will have to wait. I'm looking forward to that day.....

Ok, now what the hell do I mean by Dipsy?!?!? Ya'll know the teletubbies, right? Well, they scare me. So here's the story.... I was walking home last night and I walked past my grocery store, Spencer's. They were blaring music, not sure what band, and there was a Teletubby hanging out outside, by the entrance. See below for a detailed picture. He was waving. I REALLY need to being my camera everywhere with me. Because nonsense like this happens on a daily basis here. Another bonus...there is a store by my office that makes 'DUBLICATE" keys. that's how they pronounce it here. Don't be jealous...i'm working really hard on keeping my American accent here, but I have to pull out the Indian accent when speaking with the bus conductor or clerks, because they don't understand my American english. Fun times.

1 comment:

rayray said...

dipsy kinda looks like you