Saturday, February 23, 2008

What's Up dog?

Seriously, what's up. So, there are so many little pups running around Bangalore (and all of India). And these little guys have their spots. There is the usually brown mutt that hangs out with the rickshaw drivers outside of the hospital near me. I see him there every morning and every evening....he's usually passed out. But one day, the rickshaw drivers walked around the corner to get some tea or something and he was there, right behind them, following them like he was one of the crew. He probably thought he was gonna score some cookies if he went along.

Then there's this adorable black dog that hangs out on the street that I work on. Every family on the street takes part in caring for him, meaning feeding him, and with that, he protects the street. If another dog enters the area, he will shoo them off. He's cute and sweet. He's always passed out, either in the sun, or in the nice shade. At times, he goes and hangs out with the guy that does the ironing for the street. (So, there are guys on every street with tables and if you give them your clothes they'll iron it for you. They stand outside, usually under some shade and are there EVERYday. The guy on my street charges me 3 rupees per item. I hate ironing). So this dog makes me crack up all the time, because I'll see him just laying around with his legs crossed, like he's thinking about something important. I'll have to take my camera to work and get a shot of him. He's so sweet. I heart him.

Well, there's this other dog, that comes and sleeps outside my gate, but only late at night. When I've come home past nine p.m. he's been sleeping there, but when he sees me gets spooked and runs off. Last night, i was walking back home around 10pm and from afar, i see something weird looking outside me gate. It was this pup, sleeping on his back with all four paws in the air. i went for my phone, but forgot I have a ghetto old school phone w/o a camera. I REALLY NEED to bring my camera with me EVERYwhere in this country. There are so many things that I see that I need to share.

These dogs are adorable during the day, but at night time I hear them fighting. They're extremely territorial, and I think posses fight in the night time. I really shouldn't be out late at night on the streets (11pm or so), because that's when they start. Scary. I was walking to Commercial street the other weekend, during the day, and one of these pups barked at me and freaked me out. I don't want to get bit by a dog because I don't want to go to the doctor and have to pay for injections. And it'll hurt.

I still love all these dogs though. The one that barked at me was probably trying t protect the guy he was with. Extremely loyal...sweet little jerk.

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