Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Settled? Not yet :(

Yay! I'm going home this weekend, to Coimbatore. This is the city my mom is from in Tamil Nadu. Ahhh, home cooked food, being papered, taken care of, feed, lots. I can't wait. I was able to get a couple of days off and then we have Xmas and Bakrid off, so yay India.

Went to check out a place to live today....totally sucked. I didn't like it at all. I know the standards will not be similar as in the U.S., but I'll be living here, in a massive city, for 8-9 months, i'm gonna need something decent. I'm checking out a place tomorrow as well, of which a broker helped me find. Brokers here in invaluable, they know everything and everyplace available. SO this may be my best bet and I'll only have to pay him the amount of rent I pay. Wish me luck.

Fun story, ok, at least for me it is. I came to an internet cafe this evening, and I had to wait a bit for an available computer. This older man, maybe in his 40's, kept staring at me, and I could just feel him staring. I started to get annoyed, so I stared back. And he kept looking for a few seconds and then finally turned away. SO I turned away. Well, jerk proceeds to stare AGAIN. SOOOO, I whipped my head around and stare forcefully back at him, giving him the "Suja" glare. It's not a very nice glare, let me tell you. He immediately looked away. From then on, I turned my body to face him and make him feel uncomfortable. Mission Accomplished. I like having staring contests with people here. Indians love to stare, especially when you look "different." I'll make sure to master this art and bring it back to the states, along with the "Suja" glare.


Brandon said...

He was probably thinking, "WHO YOU???"

I am going to love checking up on you through your blog! Keep posting stories, even if you're the only one who thinks they are funny! LOL, just kidding!

Miss you and I am so proud of you!

Mama J

KJB said...

Love it. Maybe as your Christmas present, I'll dig up some Kannada swear words for you to use on the guys staring at you from the bus stops and street corners. Have fun in Coimbatore. (Eat some saathukkudi for me, will ya? They're in season now. My favorite all-time fruit. Ever.)

Ragalicious said...

Suja=1, Gross Indian Uncles=0!