Friday, December 28, 2007


SO, I went home last weekend for about 5 days. Well it turned out to be more like 4 1/2 because of the bus ride. Which should have taken 7 hours (an overnight trip) took us 13! It was horrible. I woke up at 3am and noticed we were stopped; we stayed like that until about 7am. We'd move an inch here and there, but that's about it. So I got to see my mom's side of the family and it was amazing. I ate so much delicious food, my tummy was so happy. They kept feeding me and feeding me, i had to take a breather one night. My uncle asked me I wasn't eating anymore. I told him that my belly couldn't fit anymore in it.

But it was a wonderful trip. I stayed with my mom's younger sister who has a daughter (who rocks). She's 19 and totally awesome. She wants to get into cinematography and is interning at a radio station. She has some role there and has spoken on the radio several times. She's so cute! Then 2 of my other cousins stayed over, brought their kids and my oldest aunt came. It was a nice little family reunion. The only thing is they kept making fun of my hairstyle. Since its angled and cut funny, they kept making comments. When one asked me if I had gotten it cut in India, I said NO WAY. I ain't trying to have your style. That got 'em good :) I love 'em though.

Couple of funny stories:
1.) n my way to the bus stop in Bangalore the night I left, I saw a store called "Kentacky Chicken" which served chicken and dosas. sound familiar?
2.) While at the bus stop, in Bangalore, I saw an auto rickshaw driver cleaning his rickshaw with a Detroit Lions coat on. I was close to running up to him, throwing dirt in his face, and running away screaming "GO BEARS!" I decided against it, since I really had no where to run.
3.) I saw a Tamil movie with my family. It's called Polladhavan and it was HORRIBLE. I don't know why I watch Tamil movies, the plots usually suck. Anyways, here's a song from the movie...enjoy

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